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The definition of Recovery is:

the action or process of regaining possession or control of something,

reclaiming something of value. (Oxford Dictionary) 

So I ask you, "What does your Recovery Look like?"

Recovery is a journey. It's a process that looks and feels different for everyone. Recovery is personal. Anyone who is struggling with Life Altering Addictions is on the road to recovery as soon as their behavior, ideals, ideas, thoughts, and actions change for the better. Recovery does not merely look like living life and battling against the disease but instead, finding the solution so they may never think of using drugs or drinking again. 

Recovery allows this because it teaches a new way of life. 

It's living your Best Life NOW!!


Through a caring and gentle approach, Recovery Vision is dedicated to helping you envision your full potential. In a peer to peer support structure, we assist every client on their personal journey in helping them explore opportunities for improvement and a better quality of life. We strive to guide each person through their journey offering reinforcement and encouragement for each step they take in their process. Our goal is to treat each individual with the greatest respect and dignity bringing them to a higher level of self worth and esteem. We understand the course with compassion and empathy offering options and resources personally tailored so that each client can achieve their maximum success. Life is a celebration of triumphs! Recovery Vision can see the victories believing inside each person is the ability to rise above and live what once was thought to be impossible.

Recovery is finding new adventures, new dreams and goals and we desire to be a helping hand in your journey. 

You CAN live substance free and Recovery Vision can assist by supporting your Roadmap to your newly created life.

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